Vim Pet ID

Vim Pet ID is a digital solution created for pet owners to simplify the management of important information about their pets. Using NFC and QR code technology, this solution provides quick and secure access to data, which is especially useful during vet visits or in emergency situations.

Statistics show that using tags with QR and NFC technology significantly increases the likelihood of returning lost pets. Such technology allows instant access to the owner’s contact information, vaccination history, and other essential data by simply scanning the tag with a smartphone.

According to some research and data from shelters and veterinary organizations:

Increased Chances of Return up to 90%: Tags with QR and NFC technology increase the likelihood of a pet being returned by an average of 70–90% compared to traditional tags that only display the owner’s name and phone number.

Reduced Time to Locate Owners: On average, pets with QR and NFC tags are returned to their owners twice as fast, as access to data is immediate and does not require contacting registration services or waiting for information verification.

Vim Pet ID Features:

Vim Pet ID comes as a durable, high-quality tag with NFC (Near Field Communication) technology and a QR code, allowing easy scanning and transfer of the following information:

  • Pet’s Photo and Age: For quick visual identification.
  • Owner’s Contact Information: Quick access to the owner’s contact details.
  • Medical Data: Stores vaccination records, health history, and procedures.
  • Implanted Chip Information: Includes chip data and its implantation location.
  • Additional Features: Option to add pedigree information, breeder details, and exhibition data (optional).
  • Interactive Access: Easy access to information via mobile devices using NFC or QR codes.

Vim Pet ID is an efficient tool for pet owners, securely storing medical data, chip details, and contact information in one place, ensuring your pet’s safety and comfort.

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Vim Pet Memory ID

Pet Memory ID is a unique opportunity to create an everlasting virtual memorial for a beloved pet, preserving their memory forever. Losing a pet is a profound loss, and our service is designed to help you honor their memory and maintain a lasting connection.

Why Choose Pet Memory ID?

Memory Preserved Forever: Pet Memory ID allows you to create a personalized online page with photos, stories, and memorable moments from your pet’s life. This page is always accessible and can become a place to revisit and keep warm memories alive.

Instant Access via QR and NFC: Special plaques and photos with QR codes or NFC tags allow access to the virtual memorial with a single touch. Place the tag in a special location so that family and friends can easily share memories by scanning the code.

Personalization: The memorial can be customized by adding unique details about your pet, such as their birthdate, special traits, and favorite habits. Pet Memory ID offers a wide range of options to create a memorial that reflects your pet’s personality.

Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: Your online page is available 24/7 and can be viewed from anywhere in the world, which is especially meaningful for loved ones living in different cities and countries. This allows everyone to keep the memory and remember the pet at any time.

Pet Memory ID is more than just a virtual memorial. It is a place where memories of your pet will live on forever, bringing comfort and warmth to pet owners.

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